The church in Laodicea is one of the churches in Asia Minor that received a personal letter from Christ through the Patmos prophet John. The church appears as the only church without a commendation from Christ. During the time of the writing of the book of Revelation, the church had developed a syndrome known as lukewarm (neither cold nor hot). It seemed the church had lost its Christlikeness as a result of complacency. This spiritual nature of the church was unacceptable by Christ. It made Him sick. Laodicea received a harsh and unpleasant rebuke from Christ. Christ also appealed to the church to repent (v. 19-20). The destiny of the church was put on a conditional judgment, thus repentance, and a great promise of an exalted position with Christ (v. 21). How do we understand the nature of the Laodicea church? And how does this understanding affect our lives today as a church?
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