Nicholas James Vujicic, popularly known as Nick, was born with phocomelia. Persons with phocomelia are born without arms and legs. When the mother first saw her newly born baby, she was so disappointed and refused to see or hold him. But since there was nothing the parents could do to change the situation, they accepted to bring him up trusting that God has a purpose for him in life.
In his early childhood, Nick was ridiculed and bullied by other kids because of his disability. He felt so depressed and lonely. It was difficult for him to accept his condition and always wondered why he was different from all other kids. He experienced sadness and low self-esteem. Three times Nick attempted to take his life at age 10. But as time went by, he learned to accept himself. Nick felt God could still use him even without arms and legs. He began to shape his destiny by a strong faith in God. He never allowed his physical challenges to deform his life.
Today, Nick is an international speaker and evangelist. He has traveled almost around the world to share Christ and his story with millions of people including, students, professionals, and diverse congregations. Nick can swim, surf, play piano and basketball. He can sing, and do many things that people with hands and legs cannot even do. As Nick says:
“If God can use a man without arms and legs to be His hands and feet, then He will certainly use any willing heart!”
In life, sometimes things may go the opposite to our expectations. A happy life may turn into sorrow. Marriages may fail. Studies may come to an end. Pockets and purses may dry. Wombs may not yield fruition. Death may occur sometimes. Unexpected terminal illness. In this life, things can go extremely wrong, and when we are stretched in such extremities, what should we do?
We need to trust and hold on! If we trust in God, we should trust His ways as well. We may not understand everything to have the right answers to live. In bad times, we tend to question God and His methods. However, it is not God that we should question. It is rather our faith that becomes the question, i.e., whether we believe that sometimes things may go wrong for our good, and that God can still work out something good for us in the bad times. You may not be able to change what has gone wrong, but God can mend it for your good. You only need faith and trust!